Pioneering Oil Impregnated Paper (OIP) Condenser Bushings for High Voltage Transmission

With our tried-and-true Oil Impregnated Paper (OIP) Condenser Bushings, Yash Highvoltage Ltd. is still at the forefront of the high voltage transmission sector. These bushings are the cornerstone of performance and dependability, and they are widely used in the high voltage transmission industry worldwide.

Handcrafted with precision, these OIP Condenser Bushings include Kraft paper firmly twisted around a conductor. This concept uses intermediary layers of aluminum foil to create a highly graded capacitive arrangement. Moisture is efficiently eliminated by a methodical heat and vacuum drying procedure, guaranteeing the best possible insulation. The bushings are then meticulously saturated with processed transformer oil, which improves both their performance and longevity.